What Flowers Do Deer Not Eat

What Flowers Do Deer Not Eat? 25 Plants Your Garden Needs Which Deer Do Not Eat

Do you want deer to leave your yard alone? I believe so. To keep deer from coming into your yard, you could try to attract them with something different, like making a food plot and spreading grain regularly. What flowers do deer not eat? If you think your neighbors will complain that you are attracting deer, you might want to put some less appealing plants in your yard so the deer will (hopefully) leave.

Even though there aren’t many plants that deer can’t eat, Bambi doesn’t like clover and cabbage as much as he likes other annuals, perennials, vines, trees, and bushes. This list, put together by the Grumpy Gardener, is full of beautiful plants that are easy to grow and won’t attract deer. You can add some of them to your yard this weekend.

  1. Zinnias 
Read More: Do Deer Eat Zinnias?

These easy-to-grow annual flowers have been loved for a long time because of their bright, round flower heads in the summer and early fall. It doesn’t make sense to plant zinnias early in the season because they grow best in heat and won’t do anything until the temperature rises.

  1. Rosemary 

Rosemary is a beautiful and fragrant plant that is often used as decoration in pots or fields. It is also often used to add flavor to food. Rosemary is a great shrub for people who aren’t very good at taking care of plants because it can get sick from too much care.

  1. Orange marigolds 

Marigolds, which are popular in the summer, are hardy and don’t give you much trouble. As long as the old flowers are taken off, these annuals do well from the beginning of summer until the end of winter. Marigold plants around your vegetable plot will help keep bugs away.

  1. Fountain grass 

This beautiful annual grass can be used to cover banks, make hedges, or grow in pots. Fountain grasses add a splash of beauty wherever they are used. They usually grow in groups and have stalks that curve and are topped with thick, fuzzy flower plumes.

  1. Spider flower

What flowers do deer not eat? Spider flowers, which are also called cleome and grandfather’s whiskers, are avoided by deer because of their sticky stems and slightly unpleasant smell. However, insects and hummingbirds love these traditional annuals. Tip: Groups of tall, striking cleome can look like a beautiful flowering bush when placed together.

  1. Carolina 

The South Carolina state flower is an annual plant with yellow tube-shaped flowers that smell nice and light green leaves that are smooth and shiny. You can teach this plant to grow on a trellis, a fence, or the side of a building. It is liked by hummingbirds, insects that spread pollen, and other insects.

  1. Wisteria

Either you love wisteria and keep it clipped and under control, or you spend your days and nights trying to get rid of it from your yard. Even though this twining, woody vine can be very annoying, if you take care of it and train it properly from the start, it will become a beautiful and eye-catching blooming addition to your yard.

  1. Verbena

Most verbena plants do well in both wet and dry conditions. They have small, tube-shaped flowers with five petals that grow in groups. Verbena can be used to fill in pot plants or to cover the ground.

  1. Bee balm 

If it’s not kept in check, this pretty annual that attracts hummingbirds and bugs can spread everywhere. The dark green leaves are between 4 and 6 inches tall and smell like mint, basil, and lemon. In the summer, the straight stalks are topped with tight clusters of flowers.

  1. Daffodil

What flowers do deer not eat? Daffodils are one of the most beautiful bulbs you can put in your yard because they keep growing over time. Other bulbs, like tulips, get smaller each year. Daffodils can be grown and cared for in standard gardens, or they can be left to grow on their own in wild areas.

  1. Lavender
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Deer hate the smell that the leaves and flowers of lavender give off, but gardeners love it. Lavender trees need full light and good airflow to grow and look their best, especially in the humid South.

  1. Wax begonia

These hardy favorites are loved by farmers, but deers don’t like them because of their bright flowers and big, green golden leaves. Another benefit is that they bloom from early spring until fall.

  1. Lamb’s ears

The soft, glossy leaves of lamb’s ears add weight and a golden sheen to the garden. This annual may look and feel nice, but luckily, deer don’t like to eat leaves with fur on them.

  1. Vinca

At big-box farms, vinca plants are set up in rows and rows for a reason. This low-maintenance annual grows well in wet conditions and can handle deer, mice, and even dryness. Use vinca as a hanging basket plant, a plant in a pot garden, or a plant in your bedroom.

  1. Star Jasmine

This plant has a lot of star-shaped, creamy-white blooms, and its smell is very appealing. It is a beautiful and reliable sign of spring in the South. Even if we cross the street to smell the star jasmine, deer won’t come near.

  1. Alliums

What flowers do deer not eat? Alliums can be white, blue, or purple, among other colors and forms. Alliums, which are in the same family as onions, have a strong smell and taste that makes deer run away. Allium is harmful to dogs and cats if they eat it, so this plant might not be the best choice if you have pets that like to explore.

  1. Foxglove

Foxglove plants, which can grow up to 8 feet tall, add charm and depth to fields. The foxglove is likely the easiest of the tall flowering plants to grow. What flowers do deer not eat? You can use foxgloves as filler plants in a flower garden with a boxwood border, or you can plant them in groups behind annual borders. Hummingbirds like the blooms that look like fingers and are shaped like tubes.

  1. Coleus 

Every yard needs some beautiful coleus plants. It’s a rare plant that can be both the perfect main character and the perfect background. Even though deer won’t notice coleus, you will like it.

  1. Purple Heart Plant

This growing, permanent plant looks very different from Coleus and other green plants. The thin, round, deep purple leaves cover a small purple flower. Use as a plant in a pot, on a patio, or to cover the ground. Frost can kill the tips of these plants, but when the weather is warm, they grow back quickly.

  1. Chives  

You have to love yard plants that can be used for more than one thing, and hardy annual chives are just that. You can look at the purple flowers, cut off the leaves to decorate food or hard-boiled eggs, and put chives around your property to keep deer away. They hate the way onions smell.

  1. Butterfly Weed 

The butterfly plant, which is a type of milkweed that grows every year, sends up many stalks that can grow up to three feet tall. In the middle of summer, large groups of brightly colored flowers open and draw swarms of insects.


The above all lowers are not eaten by deer. You can grow any o them in your yard to attract deer to hunt them. You can also plant these flowers in your garden because these flowers help other plants to grow well.

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